Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 17, 2011

We extend our sincere sympathy to Paula Schreiner's family. Lou Gehrig's disease, ALS, took the life of this 54 year old Max/Garrison resident. Another Max native, Mrs. Curtis Wagner, Wilma, passed away in 1991 from ALS too. We are so sorry.

There is a housing need listed in the Max web-site by Gina who needs temporary housing from December first of this year, to April 30th, 2012. A studio/efficiency or one bedroom is all that is needed as her tax work will keep her on the road, traveling to Williston, Bismarck, Dickinson, and Minot. No pets and no children - just needs a place to call 'home' for these few months. If you do not have a computer/internet, you may call Tamra Huesers or Margaret Zaderaka and we will get this information to Gina.

The Max Cafe will not be open on Thanksgiving Day so the owners and employees can enjoy the time with their families.

Good news for the area - the Amtrak train is stopping in Minot again, for people to board or get off. The flood did extensive damage to the depot and the repairs are not completely finished but it is ready enough for passengers. It has been closed since the flood in June. The huge dike built around the depot did not keep the flood waters and ground seepage out.

Plan D - have you met with DeeOn and Dwight Mack to see if you can go to a different plan that will save you even more money than your present plan does? Phone them at 679-2623 to make an appointment to meet them at the Max Over 55 Club building - the Max Senior Center.

Tomorrow, November 18th, is the Max Seniors' noon potluck and meeting. Santa Day in Max is December 10th. The Max School Christmas Concert is December 28th at 7 p.m. There will not be school over Thanksgiving, next week. The last day of school for the 2011 year is December 22nd.

"If you are climbing the ladder of life, you go rung by rung, one step at a time. Sometimes you don't think you're progressing until you step back and see how high you've really gone." Donny Osmond

--The Max News is written each week by Margaret Zaderaka.  To have your information included, contact her at


Gina said...

I wanted to take a moment to say thank-you to the wonderful community of Max for helping me in my search for housing!

The emails and phone calls from your community just amazed me. The fact that individuals in Max are willing to open their homes to me, a complete stranger, is a testament to the character of the town.

I know that I will fall in love with your community and its families and will be proud to call Max home for the next several months.

Again, thank-you to everyone that went above and beyond in helping me locate housing.

Gina Manley

MaxCity said...

You're very welcome, Gina. We are happy to help.