Happy Thanksgiving from the Max Civic Club and
the City of Max.
Only 2 more Good News Club meetings: Dec. 3 and Dec. 10.
After Dec. 7th you will have to pay a fee to
enroll in a Plan D for your prescription medications. Contact Dwight or DeeOn
Mack at 679-2623 to set up an appointment with them at the Max Senior Center.
They will help you get the plan that saves you the most money. This service is
Santa Day in Max will be on December 14th. Santa Day will include the following activities:
- Santa Day Breakfast at Max Civic Center, serving 9:30 to 11:30. Free pancakes and sausage.
- Santa will appear!
- McGruff Fingerprinting for the kids.
- Treat bags from Santa.
The Santa Day event is sponsored by Bremer and Max Civic Club. Non-perishable food items and monetary donations for local food pantries will be collected that day. Please donate if you are able.
"God gave you a gift of 86,400 seconds
today. Have you used one to say 'thank you'?"