Friday, October 19, 2012

Oct. 19, 2012: Max Corn Maze Damaged by High Winds

Due to damaging winds that toppled parts of the maze, the 2012 Max Corn Maze Haunted Night has been cancelled. Max FFA, Rocky Acres 4-H, and all others associated with the Max Corn Maze thank for a great year and look forward to seeing you next year!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Corn Maze Cancellation, Thursday, October 18th

Due to bad weather, the Max Corn Maze will be closed today, Thursday October 18th, and tonight for Flashlight Night.

October 18, 2012

Foot Care Clinic is today if you have an appointment.

Sunday, October 21st the Max Catholic Church will hold their Annual Fall Festival, serving soups and sandwiches, along with homemade pie. There is a bake sale and a quilt raffle, too. This takes place at the church from 10:30-1:00.

Important! Monday, October 22nd from 10-2 at the Max Senior Center there will be a Medicare Part D Enrollment event. Take in this free North Dakota Insurance Department event for assistance in switching or enrolling in a Medicare prescription drug plan.
You must have:

  • A list of your medications, including dosages and frequency.
  • Your Medicare card.
  • The full name of your current plan.

Plan to spend at least one hour at this event. For more information call Dwight or DeeOn Mack at 679-2623. The annual enrollment period is October 14-December 7.

The Max Senior Citizens will have their potluck and meeting at noon on Friday, October 26th at the Senior Center. St. Matthew's Church is collecting non-perishable food items for the McLean County Resource Center, and will be gathering it all at the Senior Center that Friday. Bring some more.

The next evening, October 27th is the Civic Club's Annual Steak Fry at the Max Civic Center on Main Street. Serving will be from 5-8 p.m. Tickets can be purchased in advance at Max Businesses. A dance will follow the meal, with Wayne Douglas and Casino Night, including Blackjack, Pulltabs, and Poker.

On Sunday, October 28th Our Saviors Sunday School kids will be singing at the 9 a.m. church service. There will also be a bake sale after church.

St. Matthew's Church celebrated their 100th anniversary this past Sunday, with over 100 attending. Pastor Nelson has been with the church for 31 years and is now with the Kongsberg Church, as a retiree. Other pastors were in attendance also, along with many from out of town.
From the number of cars lining the street at Our Saviors Lutheran Church, their Lutefisk and Meatball Dinner was also well attended.

"Life begins as a quest of the child for the man and ends as a journey by the man to rediscover the child." -- Laurens Van Der Post