Thursday, June 25, 2009

June 25, 2009

Earlier on I stated the wrong date for the Annie Rovenko Estate auction. It will be July 18th. at her house in Max. The Hayne's auction this past week was interrupted by a rain storm. So let us hope the weather will be good for this upcoming auction.

It seems everytime I turn around these days, the grass needs cutting again. So if you cannot reach me with your news, please mail it to me or call Cheryl Odden at the McLean County Independent with important news about meetings etc. If it isn't too long, you may leave it as a message on our phone.

Reminder: you need to register by July 30th. for attending the free seminar on Medicare. This will be held in Minot. The phone number to call is 1.888.575.6611 or email

This coming Friday, June 26th. is the monthly potluck and meeting of the Max Senior Citizens. The potluck will begin at 6 p.m. with the meeting to follow at approximately 7 p.m.

Then Monday, June 29th. at 10:30 a.m. Vanessa Kramer will be leading the children in their summer reading program at the Max Library.

Upcoming: The Max Rodeo is planned for August 7th. and 8th., 2009. There will be city wide garage sales advertised. If you are interested in having one, watch for more information on who to contact regarding the advertising and maps.

"No experiment is ever a complete failure. It can always be used as a bad example." Paul Dickson