Thursday, January 27, 2011

January 27, 2011

Some important events are coming up in Max. In a few weeks, Feb. 13th from 10:30-1:30 the Max Community Library will have its annual Soup and Sandwich Lunch at the Max Civic Center. If you would like a booth to sell your products or a booth to share information about your business, please contact Amy at the library at 679-2263. There is no cost to have a booth during this Soup and Sandwich Lunch, but the library will always accept donations. Their raffle tickets are for sale now - Specialty Baskets are the prizes.

Another important event is the Max All School Reunion in Max on July 1-3, 2011. On the Max Website, Alumni page, there is information about the parade and just a whole lot more about the activities during those days. Parade entries are still being taken.

Another need the Alumni have is to get correct addresses of former students. There is quite a list of names in that website - I will list some of them here for those of you who don't have access to a computer. Addresses are needed for the following: Patricia Aiken Simmons; Sarah Barden Becker; Larry Beskoon; Randy Beskoon; Ruth Bevers Williams; Roy Bokovoy; Arlene Bonderenko Kincaid; Karen Borchert Karger; Gladys Bostow McGuire; Troy Brandt; George Branesky; James Dahln; James Danielson; LeeAnn Fannik Kingsley; Arlene Faul Fowler; Lois Freitag Ortenblad; Amadika Goodall; Constance Gottschall Culverson; Kenneth Gullickson; Lisa Gullickson; Todd Gullickson; Scott Halverson; Edna Harchenko Stroumbis; Theodore John Harchenko; Bonita Hauf Roswick; Lynette Hauf Nelson; Frances Herdt Cayko; Becky Hill Hoverson; Brandon Hill; Kory Hochsprung; Alice Holmberg Fiedler; Leonard Holstrom; Connie Honch Perry and Jeff Huesers.

I will put some more in next week's news. Your own personal updates are needed, too.

If you have their current addresses, please contact Heather Lee at 679-2025 (leave a message if no answer) or through the mail at P.O. Box #235, Benedict, ND 58716. You can also submit the addresses through the link on the Alumni page of the website.

"You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late." Ralph Waldo Emerson