Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 21, 2011

The friends' and relatives' homes are now out of the Souris River flood water and the scenes aren't pretty. Many had structural damage caused by the water churning within the house. Others had calm water that did no structural damage but left plenty of mold, like in all the other homes. The mold shapes on the walls are like fireworks or large daisy flowers. I understand there are different colors of the mold too.

The activity of moving the Max Cafe has encountered some snags. Hang in there - their coffee will be just as good when they can reopen! You will definitely be kept up to date. These snags in the moving process have to be hard on the cafe owners, who are trying desperately to not have to be closed too long. Hang in there, Kathy and Warren. The community is behind you - we will wait! And the wait will be worth it.

It looks like tonight, Thursday, July 21st are the final games for T-Ball (Team 1) and Pee-Wee. They will be held in Garrison at 6 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Sara Ruhland, Summer Rec Coach at 529-4858.

Tomorrow, Friday July 22nd is the Max Senior Citizens' potluck and meeting at 6 p.m. Please do not bring anymore t-shirts for the beds for children. In delivering another big pile of shirts, BHG informs me that they are no longer collecting them - that there are already too many! Thank you for all your donations.

Upcoming event is the Max Rodeo on August 5th and 6th. Will there be city-wide rummage sales those days in Max?

Thank you to the Max Firemen for putting out the fire the train started just east of the little wooden bridge that goes over the railroad track east of town. If the fire had reached the bridge, it would not have had a chance and access to our homes would be made much more difficult. They are there for us! Thank you!

"The difficulties, hardships and trials of life, the obstacles....are positive blessings. They knit the muscles more firmly, and teach self-reliance." William Matthew

--The Max News is written each week by Margaret Zaderaka. To have your information included, contact her at