Thursday, July 14, 2011

July 14, 2011

Are you taking in all the activity in Max! Watch the Max Cafe as it is moved into its new location on the east end of Main Street. Watch the big house being built on the west end of Main Street. And it shouldn't be too long before the elevator activity begins.

The Max Cafe is moving, yes, so it will be closed for this move and hopefully opening in their new location on July 25th. The All-School Reunion is over but there are still shirts and hoodies available from the all-school-reunion and if you are interested in purchasing one of these, contact Amanda Huettl at the school at 679-2685.

There will be a bridal shower for JoAnn Brag at St. Matthew's Lutheran Church on Sunday, July 17th at 3 p.m. Bring your favorite recipe. Everyone is welcome. JoAnn is the bride-to-be of Joe Huettl. They will be married in Max on August 13rh.

Linda Garrison of 11348 Boston Way; Fishers, IN 46038 writes they are thinking of buying a house in Max from one of their relatives. She would like to get to know more about the town. It looks like a great place to live and raise a family. If there are any job listings for the town available, that would be very helpful too. Her e-mail address is

Lost, a large trampoline. It blew away one windy night. If you have seen it, please phone Vernon or Barbara Wenger at 838-7399. It had been set up at their farmstead west of Max.

Visitors with Lila Fannik during the reunion were Jim Steinhaus from California, James and Becky Harchenko of Alabama, Virginia and Harold Sides of Georgia, Mel and Al Kahlbaugh of Grand Forks, and Connie Sambor of Minneapolis.

Those attending the 65th wedding anniversary of John and Alice Fannik Dvirnak of Killdeer on the second of July were Lila and her daughters Carolyn Barden and Virginia Sides, LaVonne Fannik and her daughter LeeAnne Kingsley of Fargo and Vonette Mehlhoff of Arena. They enjoyed visiting with many friends and family.

Connie Sambor returned to her home in Plymouth, MN after enjoying time with her classmates and family during the Max All-School Reunion.

Galen and Della Kabanuck, Robert (Bobby) and daughter Mary Kabanuck, Lila Fannik and Lorna Sambor had an enjoyable time visiting and remembering the days of yesteryear. Bobby Kabanuck is presently a teacher in Korea.

Today at 10:30-11:30 is T-Ball and Pee-Wee practice. It is also Foot Care day at the Max Senior Citizen Center. Monday, July 18th the T-Ball (Team 2) and Pee-Wee game will be in Max at 6 p.m.

"To serve is beautiful, but only if it is done with joy and a whole heart and a free mind." Pearl S. Buck

--The Max News is written weekly by Margaret Zaderaka. To have your information included, contact her at

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