Thursday, April 1, 2010

April 1, 2010

The Max News is written each week by Margaret Zaderaka.

The City Maintenance position in Max is open. Please phone (701) 679-2770 before April 1st. for more information.

The Max Over 55 Club meeting this past Friday was very well attended and a lot of business was tended to. They are still collecting Our Family product bar codes. Give them to any member or leave them at the Senior Center.

We want you all to know that the Senior Center may be rented out for $50 for many uses, like small family gatherings, Easter and other holidays, family reunions, birthdays, anniversaries, bridal or baby showers etc. You do not need to be a member nor a senior to rent this building. What a nice clean roomy place to hold your event. Just contact Joy Lies, President or any other senior member.

On May 8th, when Older Americans' Day is celebrated at the Senior Center, Kyle's Greenhouse will be there from Garrison and is donating a plant that will be given as the door prize for the day. Free pie and coffee will be served. You will also find a bake sale going on at this event, in time for Mother's Day.

The next regular meeting of the Over 55 Club will be held on April 23rd at 6 p.m. with a potluck meal and the business meeting to follow. We will be meeting at this time during the summer, instead of noon as we have all winter.

There used to be regulars who played cards several days each week at the Senior Center. They have moved to Minot or passed away. But what about you men still in Max? You could play pool too, to fill your afternoons. Give each other a call to see what you can do together, using the Senior Center. It is too nice a building to sit there unused the majority of the time. If you need peace and quiet - or even if you don't, go put a jig saw puzzle together at the Senior Center - there are plenty there to choose from and plenty of tables so the puzzle may be left up.

Don't forget about giving your donation to the Max School towards the new bleachers in the gym.

"Let each man pass his days in that wherein his skill is greatest." Sextus Propertius

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