Wednesday, June 17, 2009

June 18, 2009

Word has been received that Archie Zahursky recently had surgery for a brain tumor. Let's remember him in our prayers. Archie and Mavis Zahursky are long time Max residents who moved into Minot just a few years ago.

Sunnyslope Homemakers met at Lila Fannik's home on June 9th. Eight members and two visitors enjoyed a sing-along while Shirley Lushenko Sizemore played the piano. Lila read a funny/interesting reading. They all enjoyed reminiscing about their 60th anniversary event held in Minot.

The Summer Solstice picnic held this past Sunday evening was very well attended. This has become an annual event for Max and many look forward to it each year. There were alot of little children there who enjoyed all the entertainment Tamra Huesers and Peggy Bingham had for them. Max is looking forward to larger Kindergarten classes! The Nite Owls band provided the music.

I have a correction to make regarding the date for the Senior Citizens' Tea Party and Quilt Show. This will be held on July 11th. Plans are coming along nicely and there will be more details shared with you as the date draws nearer, The Quilt Show part will be where the Over 55 Club members will be showing their many quilted items they have made or have received.

Reminder: You may attend a free local seminar if you are turning 65 or eligible for Medicare due to a disability. The North Dakota Insurance Department invites you to attend a free seminar about Medicare. Presentations will include Medicare 101 training, Medicare Part D, Medicare supplements and Medicare Advantage plans. This will be held on Tuesday, August 11th from 6:30 to 9 p.m. but you do need to register by July 30th by calling 1.888.575.6611 or emailing

Today, Thursday, June 18th. you will notice Main Street to be very busy as Linda and Duwayne Haynes' auction will be held in front of the duplex off Main Street, starting at 4:00. The Senior Citizens will be serving in the little park there. Annie Rovenko's auction will be held on July 18th.

Have you seen the new building going up on Main Street? The Max Farm Services are building an office building with a garage for their fuel truck. This is right next door to the former Wrangler Cafe. Edwin Schmidt's addition onto their museum has also perked up Main Street.

June 26th. is the monthly potluck and meeting of the Max Senior Citizens at 6 o'clock p.m. The meeting starts at 7 o'clock p.m. Thinking about joining - come for the meeting to hear about all the fun things we are doing this summer yet. Like they say, "The more the merrier!"

The Max Rodeo is planned for August 7th and 8th, 2009. There will be city wide garage sales these days for those interested in holding one. .

"You can't try to do things; you simply must do them" Ray Bradbury

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