Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hatching Soon

Max, North Dakota news will soon be available on a blog! Starting June 1st, find and comment on Max news here!


sillyshirl said...

What a wonderful thing for Max to have. As a former resident and former student of Max I enjoy seeing and hearing what's going on.

Anonymous said...

We are so grateful to have a cafe in Max but are very worried about its hours, and especially now that summer travelers are out and about, and with all the highway construction going on - hungry working men. After planning to eat at the cafe and then finding it closed, after driving a distance, one soon decides to run to Garrison or Minot to eat. Anyone else wanting the cafe to be open longer hours for the summer?

Kristin Splichal said...

As owner of the Centennial Cafe, I have analyzed last summer hours and have noted that the current hours of 7am to 7pm monday through saturday are fine. This is a Family owned and run business and Family is first and these hours allow for some much needed family time. Other business in the area are Family owned and run and I do not hear complaints about their hours. As for the business of more traffic and road construction, both these have been assessed and the workers have a system in place so if they want food they can call us and we leave it in the Bar for them. The extra travelers even last year did not increase our business except to increase our water bill from toilet use!
Anonymous, if you truly want to be taken seriously sign your name!! You can speak directly to me but know this that if you think you can run this business better and please everyone and still have a family life by all means try it. The business is for sale! Buy it!!
Sincerely Kristin Splichal