Thursday, October 15, 2015

October 15, 2015

Saturday, October 17, from 5-8 there will be a free spaghetti supper at the Max School as a benefit for Natalie Hankel. There is also a silent auction you may donate Cassie Heer at 337-6481, Ashley Stevens at 83 3-5294, or Christine Nelson at 578-4587. There will be bouncy houses, face painting, bingo, pumpkin painting, and more fall fun.

Monday October 19th, flu shots will be given from 1-3 at the Max Senior Center (Over 55 Club).  Bring your insurance cards.

Saturday evening, October 24th, the Civic Club's Annual Steak Fry will be held at the Max Civic Center.  Get your tickets soon.  Only 300 will be sold.

Sunday, October 25th, from 10:30-1:00 the Soup and Sandwich Luncheon will be held at the Catholic Church in Max.  There is also a bake sale there and the drawing for a beautiful Christmas Quilt that is now on display at Bremer Bank on Main Street in Max.

My news is becoming shorter and shorter; is there anyone who could take over for me? One time each week you type it out and e-mail it to the editors at McLean County Independent. You will be paid for your work.  I am unable to attend the many functions going on in the area, so I cannot give you a more descriptive and interesting Max News column each week.  E-mail Stu Merry at or phone the McLean County Independent at 463-2201.

"Knock the 't' off the 'can't."   George Reeves