Roxanne Walz Llewellyn, formerly from Max, passed
away in her home in Williston on the 17th. She was only 57. Her parents were
Twila and Martin Walz. Roxanne graduated from Max Public School in 1975. We
extend our sympathy to her family and friends.
This coming Friday, July 24th, the
Senior Citizens will have their indoor picnic at the Center. The meat will be
grilled there but please bring other picnic foods for the potluck. The July
meeting will follow the meal, which begins at 6 p.m.
On Sunday, July 26th at 2 p.m. at the Max Civic
Center there will be an organizational meeting for a 2016 reunion. Anyone who
wishes to give their in-put, organizing, and helping should attend this
meeting. It is important for Max Alumni to come to this meeting where it will
be decided if there will be a reunion in 2016 or NO reunion at all. If you are
not an alumnus, please come to the meeting to show your support. Sunday, July
26th at 2 p.m.
Again, the 5K Run proceeds during Rodeo Days will
go for updates/repairs for the Max City Park. Donations will also be accepted
if you are unable to do the walk/run.
"The tragedy of life is not that it ends so
soon, but that we wait so long to begin it." Anonymous