Thursday, April 4, 2013

April 4, 2013

Word has been received that Larry Irwin passed away on March 27th. He had been sick with a lung infection and then went into kidney failure. Larry made the wooden train, spelling out Max Over 55 Club and many-many other items.  Our sympathy to his family and friends. The one who sent the note about Larry closed her notice with this reminder: "Life is indeed fragile and brief, be ready to leave it any moment."

Coming Soon: Max Produce Co-op Bountiful Baskets is a non-profit food co-op for families that want to have more fresh produce for less money. In order to participate, you must set up a free account on the website:

The Co-op offers a conventional produce basket every other week which is generally 1/2 fruit and 1/2 veggies. The contribution is $15 per basket. The organic upgrade is $10 for a total of $25. The amount for add-ons varies depending on the item. The first-time basket fee is $3 and the processing fee is $1.50, which must be paid every time you contribute. Your entire contribution is spent on food, so the $1.50 is necessary to cover card processing, servers, and other expenses.

If you have any questions contact Jessica Henne at  Make sure to check out our face book page to stay updated for all current news on our site.!/pages/Max-Produce-Co-op/630127150336933?fref=ts

If you are interested in having your child take swimming at the Minot YMCA this summer, contact Holly Kersten (720-5135) or Lesli Talbott (240-7048).

The Farson Motor's buildings on Max's Main Street are for sale. For information, contact Linda Zimbelman at (701) 721-9308.

Max has a new business -  For information, contact Jessica Henne at 679-2256.

More proof that spring is coming to Max! The Max High School's Junior/Senior Banquet is tonight at 6:30 - April 4th. Then on Saturday, April 6th, the Max Prom Grand March will be at 8 p.m. Viewing of this is open to the public.

The regular Civic Club meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday, April 8th.

Linda Haynes phoned me today from Lake Havasue, Arizona to say they will be coming to North Dakota and our area the end of April.  On April 27th, a Saturday, from 2-4 p.m. they will be holding an open house fund raiser event at the Max Senior Center, with the funds going to the Center. There will be notices around town and more information in the Max News as the time grows closer.  A quick note - a snowstorm always hits on Linda's birthday and it is about that time!!!  I may know the date, for sure, later on. Kristin Haynes Splichal will be demonstrating and selling Gold Canyon Candles.

"The tragedy of man is what dies inside himself while he still lives." -- Albert Schweitzer